3Q21 Market Chart Book

You can download our comprehensive market review in charts and tables from the link below. Topics covered include: 3Q21 Market ChartbookDownload TABLE OF CONTENTS: Market Summary World Stock Market Performance World Asset Classes US Stocks International Developed...

Q2 2021 Market Commentary

Q2 Market Commentary – July 8, 2021 U.S. home prices have gone through the roof (pun intended). Every week we are hearing of more clients who have either sold their houses within days for prices they hadn’t dared to imagine previously, or who had to pay hundreds...

Q1 2021 Market Commentary

Q1 Market Commentary – April 26, 2021 The pandemic has sparked many changes that will be long-lasting.  It seems likely that we will Zoom more than we conference call from now on, we will continue to get more stuff delivered, and hopefully we’ll continue to...

1Q21 Market Chart Book

You can download our comprehensive market review in charts and tables from the link below. Topics covered include: 1Q21 Market ChartbookDownload TABLE OF CONTENTS: Market Summary World Stock Market Performance World Asset Classes US Stocks International Developed...