Q3 2020 Market Commentary

Q3 2020 Market Commentary – Oct 12, 2020 In many ways, this recession and the recovery to date has been the most uneven one ever recorded.  Housing data, corporate profits, unemployment figures, and stock market returns mask the fact that while many sectors of...

Q2 2020 Market Commentary

Q2 2020 Market Commentary – July 8, 2020 Early on in this health crisis there was an influential paper called “The Hammer and the Dance” by Tomas Pueyo in which he called the initial period of lockdown to flatten the curve “the hammer” and the subsequent period...

Recent Changes to RMDs

Recent Changes to RMDs May 20, 2020  This post is intended to summarize some recent legislative changes that that will impact anyone taking Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from their IRA or 401k: RMDs from IRAs have been suspended for 2020. If you haven’t taken...

Q1 2020 Market Commentary

Q1 2020 Market Commentary – April 10, 2020 Looking back at our last quarterly report feels like reading a report from many years ago.  There was no hint of COVID-19, and we had just finished a year in which the US stock market rose by 31% (as measured by the...