Q4 2017 Market Commentary

Plum Street Advisors Q4 2017 Market Commentary – January 3, 2018 The markets anticipated and then celebrated the passage of a business-friendly US tax cut during the fourth quarter.  On December 20th, Congress passed a bill that dramatically cut corporate tax...

Q4 2017 Market Review Chart Book

You can download our comprehensive market review in charts and tables from the link below. Topics covered include: Q4 2017 Market Charts TABLE OF CONTENTS: Market Summary World Stock Market Performance World Asset Classes US Stocks International Developed Stocks...

Q3 2017 Market Commentary

October 3, 2017 The third quarter marked the eighth quarterly increase in a row for the S&P 500.  Volatility continues to be extremely low as markets tick up quarter after quarter.  The third quarter finished strongly as the US Congress finally turned its...

The Benefits of Value Exposure

At Plum Street Advisors, we maintain certain exposures (or “tilts”) in the portfolios we manage.  For example, we maintain a tilt towards small cap stocks that is greater than their market capitalization would suggest, because in the long run, small cap tends to have...